Monday, 21 January 2013

Day Ten: Friday 22.06.2012

As Esther was better, we came to Bushikori later, and I walked into P4 at 9:40 to find that the other teachers had left the class and it was my lesson.  The students were more restless today, given the big day tomorrow, but the lesson went all right just the same.

After break I went to the library to work on Ivan’s book, and finished both the PSB and the bound book edit.  We are thinking that we will get the children to have an art competition to supply the artwork we need.

I finished just before lunch, and so after lunch I went to sit in on some classes or find Ivan to go through his book with him – only to find all the children up to P4 had gone home and P5-P7 were helping to clean.  I tried to help, but they wouldn’t let me, until Linus took pity on me and found me something that I could do (put back up posters) without raising the objections of everyone else.
We met Grace (Anne’s oldest daughter, and Jerome’s wife) and saw Jerome and Moses again.

We found out that when a visitor comes and it rains a lot, it means that they have brought lots of blessings.  So we have brought lots of blessings.  But until tomorrow is over we are praying for less blessings (and less rain)!

After going to the internet cafĂ© on the way home, I went in search of a ribbon to tie up Ivan’s first manuscript.  I went EVERYWHERE, and no one even seemed to know what ribbon WAS, let alone had any!  I finally bumped into Sara and Helen, two of Mary’s friends, who took me with them to the flower shop.  She didn’t have any, but she gave us directions to Mama Hadib, who did.  Finally, after about an hour and a half of searching, I had some beautiful red ribbon to tie up Ivan’s story with.  Apparently I am the one presenting it tomorrow.

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