Friday, 28 September 2012

Underground Reality: Columbia

This documentary is the sequel to the Underground Reality: Vietnam documentary, and follows the same premise. Seven young adults go to Columbia to deepen their understanding of the difficulties that Christians in Columbia face.

There are a few major differences between the situation in Vietnam and the situation in Columbia – basically expressed in that Vietnam is a restricted nation (i.e. the government restricts the activities of Christians, and so most of the persecution comes from the government) and that Columbia is a hostile area (so the government doesn’t persecute the Christians, and even tries to provide some protection, but many of the people do). Columbia is one of the major producers of drugs, and there is a lot of violence and accompanying crime in Columbia. Christians, especially pastors and evangelists, are targeted due to their involvement (both real and perceived) in getting people out of the drug situation and turning their lives around. Those who were previously involved in the drug scene are frequent victims.

This is a great accompaniment to the Vietnam documentary, though I didn’t find it as engaging. It really deepens your understanding of what it means to live a life consecrated to God.

You can buy this documentary from the Voice of the Martyrs website.

Sam is planning to have a parachute making night at her house to make parachutes to help distribute Christian literature and Bibles to areas where people cannot go. Please either comment if you would like to be involved, or email her at samismad [at] hotmail [dot] com

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