Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Review: Crazy Love

This is seriously one of the books that has most influenced me in my Christian life. It’s fairly well known – there are lots of reviews of it out there and it makes it onto Koorong’s “long list” of books that every Christian should read.

This book shows us how radical the love of God is for sinners like us, and how we are called to demonstrate that love to those around us.

Many Christians need to be reminded (I know I need to be continually re-reminded) that we are not here for ourselves. We are not here to just have a good time (though believe me, doing God’s will is often, though not always, good fun). We are here to glorify God and to love our neighbour.

One of the best bits about this book was the set of stories towards the end of different people who have lived or are living lives dedicated to serving God. And while some of these people are famous and go rather firmly into the much-better-than-me category, many of them are of “normal” people who are just like us – and several are from circumstances that are far more difficult than ours. These stories remind us that we can truly do this, that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

Seriously, if you one read one Christian book for the next however long (month, year, whatever), it should be this one!

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